We Are All Broken And That's How The Light Gets In

Have you ever tried to look for something in the dark? Like your spectacles at 2 a.m without trying to wake up your parents in the next room. I have, and most of the time, I try to look for any one tiny slither of light that pokes through the crooked cut in the door. 

The cut in the door came from an accident that left it damaged permanently. While the door may have lost a great amount of its value in the public eye now, to me it comes in quite handy.

Similarly, human beings go through many things in life that can lead to scars on their skin. Inside or outside, they feel like these scars reduce their value or maybe they are told of this by society. However, it is only when they go through the worst experiences in life, can they look at the world under a whole new light. The light that peeks through their broken corners and crooks.

Many of us try to surpress this light under our internal darkness, until it corrodes us from and chokes our positivity. Some let their light out and enlighten the world around them with it. This choice is yours to make. 

Life is not fair, someday someone will go through the same things you went through and that day they would look for a light to creep through the door. It is your choice to either be that guiding light or spread more of the darkness that victimised you in the first place.


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